Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Hello from Masindi!

First of all we want to let everyone know that we are ok. The bombing in Kampala was very sad and we are keeping them in our prayers.

Today we finshed laying bricks for an apron around one of the school buildings. There are many hands and the work is enjoyable.

We have been painting a few of the classrooms as well as the kindergarden room. This week we hope to do a little bit of art work using some of the talent of our team members and some of the older students. We also hope to do some exterior painting.

The people have been very helpful and very kind. Even the young children want to help us while they are on thier break. Christine has made us feel at home. In the mornings and evenings we enjoy sitting together singing and laughing and listening to stories.

God is truely in this place. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Nick and Christina


  1. Nick and Christina,
    we are so thankful you'll are o.k. i called and talked to Christina's mom for a couple of minutes yesterday to check on her and you'll and plan on talking to her again soon! Baby is coming December 28th so we are super excited about that good news! Lauren said today that when she grows up she wants to be a teacher like Ms. Christina-it was soo precious! Don't worry about watering your garden it has been raining here for the past couple of days so water is in full force! love you guys, hope you'll are having a great time with God!

  2. Nick and Christina,
    What a blessing to hear that you are all doing well and are enjoying your time in Africa. It's been great reading your blog and finding out a little of what you are experiencing. Thanks for all the updates.
    Everyone is doing well at Weaver Leather. We are staying busy with orders and everything else that goes with that.
    I wish you God's blessings as you continue serving Him in Africa.

  3. Praying for divine appointments, health, safety, and a great time! Tell Christina, I'm training for the 5K in Sept. in winesburg. I jogged 2 miles straight yesterday. When you get back we need to go running!! Love you guys, Jaimee' and Jimmy
